Thursday, February 07, 2008

Tremont Art Walk

Friday, February 8th, 2008
Tremont Art Hop/Walk/Skip/Jump....
6pm - 10pm
Tremont Neighborhood of Cleveland Ohio

One of my favorite little reasons to wander around Tremont.

somewhat out of date resources:

Monday, February 04, 2008

You had me at "beer" - City Fresh Monday at GLBC

City Fresh "Farm Link - Cultivating Next Generation Farmers"
Monday, February 18th
Great Lakes Brewing Company
Beer Cellar

City Fresh's next monthly Monday meeting will present a forum hosted by Chris Norman of the Cuyahoga Valley Countryside Conservancy.

RSVP's are not required but are suggested.

If you are looking to an event where you can quaff some fine brews and discuss agrarian urban living for more environmentally friendly and community based lifestyles than I think I have found the event for you.

By the by, word on the street is that the infamous Blackout Stout is now on tap in the brewpub and scheduled to show up at your local neighborhood grocer or Wine House (Rozi's) or local drinking hole (Melt/Buckeye Beer Engine) which is a very good current reason to like this town.

New Agrarian Center
Great Lakes Brewing Company

Sunday, February 03, 2008

LAUNCH 1/3 Movie Night

Thursday, Feb. 7th, 2008

As part of the LAUNCH plan to have things that happen (rather scary in how uncomplicated the main purpose is to divulge) part of the LAUNCH crew has put together the 1/3 Movie Night, a bimonthly (as in twice a month) showcase of favorite movies that have some sort of cinematic or design bent to be shown for free on the first and third Thursday of the month

You can discover more at ClevelandDesignCity until I get off my duff and get the LAUNCHcleveland webbernet site up and running.

The first movie is 'F is for Fake', so join us at Bela Dubby's for a good movie and a great time*.

*I think that was my first official cheesy tagline.

Sick of being known as an 'underdog'

With only hours left until the ultimate American Football experience of the year I find myself wondering who I will root for. Since Cleveland didn't make it I don't really hold that much in the way of alliances for other teams.

While I hope the contest is a good one (I won't be watching it, I will be at work) I find the opportunity for one team to have an entire season undefeated rather inspiring. However, while mulling this over I started to wonder what the 'typical' Cleveland reaction would be.

Should a true Clevelander root for the underdog since that is how we constantly see ourselves or could a true Clevelander appreciate the hard work and effort that would go into a perfect season, thus representing the idealized end goal of undertaking?

Granted this is a silly thought but it has stuck with me since the morning when I remembered that Super Bowl was today (I am totally out of it) and I wonder how someone would validate their choice. Is Cleveland truly an underdog? Are we constantly scrambling against the 'big, old boys' to grab some of the pie for ourselves or is that only the facade we wish to embrace as a safety mechanism for failure. I suppose it seems safer to say "Hey, no one really expected us to do anything, I mean, look at us" if an undertaking went sour but I actually loathe that approach. It makes efforts seem half hearted and defeatist and I would rather not perpetuate that mindset any more than I have to.

The other option would be to root for the perfect season. To have something to hold up to as an impressive standard that may seem impossible but at the same time has been proven to be possible. I guess I rather like that point of view. Sure, life is hard. Things are difficult. If you want something you may have to really work to get it. Is that really so bad?

I suppose this rant has its impetus with some current events transpiring locally and internationally where I start to question the validity of a few assumptions that seem to be bandied about overly frequently. Assumptions that I do not feel the need to go into great depth right now.

However, as you sit back with friends, family or whomever you are surrounded with, catching brief glimpses of a sporting event in between the adverts for beers and trucks and cell phones you may want to question if whom you are rooting for has to do with your particular outlook on life and whether or not you are happy with it.

If you are, then fine.

Me? I think I am going to root for the Patriots today for no other reason than I can appreciate a little perfection now and again.