Thursday, November 10, 2011

Call for Artists - CLE issues Call for Artists for Temporary Art Exhibit

Submission Deadline:
Wednesday, November 30th, 2011 @ 4pm
mailed or hand delivered

The Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (CLE) Temporary Art Exhibition Program announces a “call for artists” for its upcoming juried exhibition entitled, “Women in Uniform,” running from February 1, 2012 through April 30, 2012. The deadline for artist submissions is Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 4:00 p.m.

A uniform is a distinctive form of attire worn to communicate the particularity of a group, as well as the specific role of an individual within a network. In honor of Women's History Month, this exhibition considers the past, present and future of uniforms worn by women.

CLE is currently accepting proposals for artwork from artists working in any two-dimensional medium (paintings, oils, acrylics, watercolors, photography and drawings) depicting images of women wearing uniforms. Military, nursing, police, airlines, etc. are eligible.

Selected exhibitors’ art pieces will be on display in Concourse A, ticketing level, and various other areas throughout the terminal where nearly 30,000 passengers will view them daily. The temporary exhibits change quarterly. 

According to Smith, “The Temporary Art Exhibition Program is a free initiative available to all artists in the Cleveland Plus region. The airport wants to showcase the diverse arts and culture of the region.” 

The CLE Temporary Art Exhibition Program requirements must include the following:
  • Completed and signed CLE Temporary Art Exhibit Program application
  • One CD with digital photos of full exhibit (please include name and exhibit title)
  • Identify the theme of your submission
  • A brief written statement explaining how the submission correlates to the theme
  • A self-addressed stamped envelope if artist would like submission returned
  • Any images containing models must be accompanied by a photographic consent/model release form
Artists submitting proposals for the CLE Temporary Art Exhibition Program will be judged on:
  • Capturing the vision of the theme
  • Cultural, educational, and/or artistic merit
  • Originality, imagination, and presentation of content
  • Feasibility of proposal.
Proposals, whether mailed or hand delivered, must be received no later than Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. No postmarks will be accepted.

Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
ATTN: Temporary Art Exhibit/Shari Cloud
P.O. Box 81009
Cleveland, OH 44181

Hand delivered:
Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
Planning and Engineering
ATTN: Temporary Art Exhibit/Shari Cloud
19502 Five Points Road
Cleveland, OH 44135

To download the CLE Temporary Art Exhibition Program click here.
For further information please call (216) 898-5209.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Call for Artists - Cleveland Innerbelt Project Mural Art Program

Submission Deadline:
November 21, 2011 @ 5pm

Cleveland Innerbelt Project Mural Art Program

Call For Entries
CPA is issuing this RFQ to find artists to develop concepts and designs for up to four two-dimensional, graphically printed murals to be installed at one of three neighborhood underpasses located in Cleveland’s Historic Gateway and Tremont neighborhoods. The designs should demonstrate understanding of individual locations and context. The final product will be a series of digitally reproducible files. Therefore, artists across disciplines are encouraged to apply. Photographic, painted, graphic and other renderings are all eligible, so long as they can be digitally transposed to the scale of the panels. Qualified third party contractors will be hired to produce and install the final artwork.

Competition brief can be found at the above link on Cleveland Public Art's website.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Call for Applications - Smack Mellon's Artist Studio Program

Submission Deadline:
November 17th, 2011 - 11.59pm
apply online only


Call for Applications
Application Deadline: Thursday, November 17, 2011, 11:59pm EST
Applications will be accepted through an online process.  Please scroll down for application instructions, and then click on "Begin application" at the bottom.
The 2012 Studio Program will be housed on the lower level of Smack Mellon’s building at 92 Plymouth Street.  The residency will begin May 1, 2012 and end March 31, 2013.
Smack Mellon offers free studio space to eligible artists for an eleven-month period. The program provides artists working in all visual arts media a free private studio space and a $5000 fellowship (dependent upon funding). The program does not provide living space. Artists also have access to shared facilities that include a fabrication shop, 2 Macintosh G5 workstations for video editing, DVD burner and CD read/write capabilities, 2 additional Mac work stations, flatbed and slide scanners, DVD players, video projectors and monitors, wireless Internet access and technical support.
Studios range in size from 250 to 300 square feet. Not all studios have windows. Artists will not be permitted to choose their studio.
Artists who are accepted into the program must be prepared to actively use their studio a minimum of 50 hours a month or they will lose it.
**Please also note that due to the possibility of flooding in our basement studios, we strongly recommend that artists keep anything valuable off the floor at all times; therefore artists accustomed to working on the floor should think carefully about whether our studios will meet their needs. 

All applicants must be United States citizens or legal Permanent Residents of the United States, 18 years or older, may not be enrolled in any degree program, and must be able to demonstrate need for a studio. Applicants may not be a resident artist in another studio program at the same time as the 2012 Smack Mellon residency.

Selection Process
A panel of arts professionals and artists will review applications and select artists for the 2012 season. Artists will be selected based on the quality of their work and their potential for making the most of their time in the program. The selection process will be completed by the end of February 2012. All applicants will be notified by email. Please do not call the office for selection results.
Deadline for applications: November 17, 2011  11:59pm 

Monday, November 07, 2011

Call for artists - Tower on Waterloo

Submission Due:
Friday, November 14th, 2011
via email or dropoff
see below:

Tower on Waterloo Road
Request for Proposals
Northeast Shores Development Corporation, in partnership with Arts Collinwood, Cleveland Public Art and the City of Cleveland, is requesting proposals from qualified artists for a temporary artwork installation for the Waterloo Tower Revolving Art Program.
History of the Waterloo Tower and the Revolving Art Program
The Waterloo Tower is a three-story stainless steel structure, which sits on a grassy triangle on the corner of E. 156th St and Waterloo Rd in the North Collinwood neighborhood of Cleveland. Northeast Shores Development Corporation built the Tower in 2010 in partnership with The City of Cleveland, with support from Councilman Michael D. Polensek and Cuyahoga Arts and Culture. The design of the Tower was a collaboration of artist, Christopher Diehl, and the fabricator, Mike Moritz of Moritz Wood & Metal.
Prior to it being built, 50 local residents met at Arts Collinwood Gallery to discuss a plan for the Tower and suggested it should be used as a framework for changing public art and should have a stage for performing art such as concerts, poetry readings and plays. Hence, the Waterloo Tower Revolving Public Art Program was started, which oversees the changing art installations that are housed in or in some way incorporate the Tower.
Christopher Diehl, artist from dielio inc, provides some history regarding the philosophy behind the creation of the Tower concept. "The large area of asphalt intersection at E. 156th and Waterloo streets was created in order to turn street trolleys around. The trolleys served this vibrant working class neighborhood and they, in turn, served the Collinwood rail yards. Visitors also poured onto Waterloo in order to spend the day at the Euclid Beach Park Amusement park just north off of Lake Shore Blvd. After the trolley service ended, the amusement park closed and I-90 cut the Waterloo neighborhood off from the rail yards. This intersection became a large and ungainly place for cars and trucks to pass through and a hazard for the unwary pedestrian."
"The Waterloo placemaking Tower stakes a flag, of sorts, to reclaim that area as a new civic heart for this reawakening district now reprogrammed for the visual and entertainment arts. The tower will act as the centerpiece of the new pedestrian-friendly plaza next to Arts Collinwood Gallery and the CafĂ© at Arts Collinwood. As such, the raw stainless steel structure will become a site for temporary public art installations and live music performances. Like the neighborhood around it, it becomes the container to house and display the incredible talent and gifts of the Waterloo community."
The complete, all-inclusive budget for the program is $3,000, which must include installation fees, artist fees and material cost. If you have an idea and would like help seeking out material donations, please let us know and we will try to provide assistance depending on the nature of the need.
Artwork Requirements
The artwork should be designed to remain in place for up to 7 months. Artwork must be designed to require minimal or no maintenance. All maintenance requirements that cannot be met by the artist must be worked out in advance.
Artwork must be affixed to the tower in a safe manner and designed to withstand stormy weather, including high winds and heavy snow. Artworks consisting of other than soft material may require the approval of a structural engineer.
Please see the attached specification drawings of the Tower. The eyebolts pictured can be used as possible mounting hardware and will be provided if needed. 
Submission Requirements
Submissions should contain as much information as necessary to clearly convey the concept and may include drawings, renderings, or other visual or written devices. Artist identification information should be on the back of the submission and thus out of the view of those who will be evaluating the proposals.
Submissions must arrive at Arts Collinwood no later than 10 p.m. on Friday, November 14th.Proposals may be emailed to or delivered/mailed to: Arts Collinwood, 15605 Waterloo Rd, Cleveland, OH 44110
The competition is open to all artists 18 years or older. Collinwood artists are especially encouraged to apply.
Due to the limited budget, time constraints, and the challenging installation space, it is suggested that the installations proposed, be simple in nature.
Selection Process
Entries will be judged by an independent panel of neighborhood stakeholders and art and design professionals. Interested artists are encouraged to visit the park in advance of developing their proposals.
Questions can be directed to Amy Callahan at Arts Collinwood: 216-692-9500
Arts Collinwood
15605 Waterloo Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44110

More on bike safety...Bike Theft Prevention Seminar in Detroit Shoreway Tonight

But when I say bike safety I actually mean safety for your bike.  Getting around town is important.  For those of us who like to keep the car in the garage (or not even have one) and would rather move through our city at a speed and level that allows us to enjoy the wonderful storefronts and sights, see friends, catch local sales, discover that the new sunroom at our favorite wine/beer shop is now open for visitors, etc. walking or cycling is the best way to do it.  However, despite the bicycle being classified as a vehicle by the state of Ohio and having to abide by all the traffic laws there is one distinction that give cycling it most noticeable disadvantage.  When someone ganks your bike, it is probably gone forever.

The sad truth is that bicycle theft isn't one of the easiest or productive ways for our police to spend their time.  Bikes can easily be stripped down, repainted, shipped all over the place, etc. and very few of the parts have any sort of tracking information (such as VIN numbers on cars).  Most communities highly suggest (eg. require) that you register your bike so possibly help with any sort of reclamation if it goes on "walk about" without your knowledge which can help at least show proof of ownership if the police manage to discover it (like the giant warehouse in Toronto full of stolen bikes the police discovered a few years back).

As cycling discovers its resurgence many communities are stepping up their involvement such as Detroit Shoreway in Cleveland with it's...

A representative from "Assessments and Licenses will also be available to help register your bike for a $5 fee.

Personally I have some tips that I think are very important.

  • park where you can see your bike (or at least it is highly visible)
  • have and use a decent lock (like a u-lock)
  • if you see someone stealing a bike, take a photo with your cellphone, call the police, etc.  Don't just be silent and watch it happen.  Be part of your community and help others, its harder to be a miscreant when the community cares about what happens.
  • (I got this idea from a TV show) kid gps locator hidden in the frame, they cost $50 and up.  Also it gives you another reason to put a fun gps app on your phone.  Also the police will know exactly where to go.  You may end up busting a giant bike theft ring and becoming a superstar hero.