Tuesday, November 29, 2011

BikeLakewood Master Plan Planning Commission Work Session - 2011.12.01

City of Lakewood Planning Commission discussion + work session
Thursday, December 1st, 2011
City Hall Auditorium
12650 Detroit Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio  44107

The City of Lakewood, Ohio has recently released their Draft Bicycle Master Plan(.pdf) for public review and comment and will be having a discussion and work session and encourage interested parties to attend and comment.

This discussion is further exploration of the master plan which began in late 2010 which is centered around developing a plan to better serve Lakewood's cycling community.

The Draft Master Plan can be viewed until December 2nd.  Comments may be emailed to the Lakewood Planning Department planning@lakewoodoh.net and include in the subject line: "Bicycle Master Plan Comments".

West Shoreway Public Meeting - 2011.12.01

West Shoreway Community Meeting
Thursday, Dec. 1st, 2011
Franklin Circle Christian Church
1688 Fulton Road, Cleveland

Currently ODOT and the City of Cleveland are looking to reduce costs to the West Shoreway Project and the lakefront multi-purpose trail is on the table as one of the components looking to be cut.  Bike Cleveland is looking to rally support for the trail and urges any and all interested parties to attend the public meeting and be heard.

Bike Cleveland website notice